Why Fortnite Battle Royale has won me over

It all happened so fast, or at least my racing heart made it feel like it. The safe area had just shrunk down to cover a small hill I was standing upon, with a small ridge below where the last remaining opponent was hiding behind a tree. Low on ammo and knowing the safe area […]

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Review | Nazi-Stomping Simulator 2017

The well-received Wolfenstein: The New Order (and its standalone expansion The Old Blood) were always going to be a tough act to follow. The journey of B.J. Blazkowicz as he fought his way through the alternate Nazi-filled timeline was an absolute riot, finding the right balance between its slick style and the crude brutality of […]

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Final Fantasy XV Review | Strength of the heart

I must admit that I ended up relating to the journey of Noctis and co. far more than I probably should have. That feeling of four friends on the open road, discovering new places and forging new memories, reminded me of my escapades from yesteryear. Sure, I’ve never travelled to far off kingdoms so one […]

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Dishonored 2 Review | Out from the shadows

There were a number of times during my Dishonored 2 playthrough where I just stopped in my tracks, taking in the juxtaposed world around me instead of sneaking around it. One such moment occurred when I hid around a corner, intent on listening to two street performers singing of Karnaca’s lost glory and current misery. […]

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WWE 2K17 Review | On the ropes

I think it’s time I admitted something to you all – my name is Carl and I’m a wrestling fan. Ever since the glory days of Bret Hart I’ve appreciated the pageantry and pantomime-esque nature of it all, as larger than life characters do wondrously athletic feats and whip the crowd into a frenzy with […]

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Little Nightmares Hands-on Preview | Fun, fear, and sausages

I had a list of titles I wanted to try out at this year’s EGX, and while Little Nightmares was certainly on it I will admit was it wasn’t near the top. That somewhat changed after a chat with one of the event’s PR team, who recommended I give it a go after trying it […]

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Dishonored 2 Hands-on Preview | Like clockwork

I must confess something before we go any further – I only got around to playing Dishonored a few months ago. It sat at the top of my Steam backlog like a mark of shame, but as things slowed down with the industry this summer I finally got took Corvo Attano on his stealthy journey […]

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