Why Fortnite Battle Royale has won me over

It all happened so fast, or at least my racing heart made it feel like it. The safe area had just shrunk down to cover a small hill I was standing upon, with a small ridge below where the last remaining opponent was hiding behind a tree. Low on ammo and knowing the safe area […]

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Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Review | Nazi-Stomping Simulator 2017

The well-received Wolfenstein: The New Order (and its standalone expansion The Old Blood) were always going to be a tough act to follow. The journey of B.J. Blazkowicz as he fought his way through the alternate Nazi-filled timeline was an absolute riot, finding the right balance between its slick style and the crude brutality of […]

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ECHO Review | Hitting the right tone

Stealth games (and the notorious “stealth section” in other titles, ugh) are mostly based on patterns and how the player overcomes them. Learning the patrol paths, knowing if and when to throw down a distraction, syncing movement to stay out of sight – mastering each means you’ll be able to make your way through, or […]

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Divinity: Original Sin 2 Review – A Divine Gift

The follow-up to Divinity: Original Sin was always going to have a mountain of expectation to climb. Despite all the bugs present at launch and a lacklustre main narrative, it was widely regarded as one of the best RPGs of recent years. It delivered on its promise of marrying isometric turned-based strategy with the freedom […]

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Taking the Initiative | My first foray into Dungeons & Dragons

In an effort to expand his fledgeling business empire, entrepreneur Galen Holst had organised a journey across the land to the Grand City of Reach. While the possibilities for profits were high, he knew the trip could be filled with peril. Not being much of a fighter, Holst decided to hire a group of adventurers […]

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