PSA: We’re now on OpenCritic!

Ever since Digital Outburst became my main outlet for coverage I’ve been incredibly fortunate to continue working with developers, publishers and PR companies. It’s thanks to them recognising the quality of the content, and the website’s small but loyal audience. While I’m incredibly proud of the progress DO has made since the start of the […]

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Cultural Victory | Why I’m finally excited for Civilization VI

I have been trying to keep my excitement for Civilization VI in check ever since its announcement back in May. The struggle has been monumental, though. There is after all the running joke that the even-numbered entries are always the good ones (which does have a ring of truth to it – II and IV […]

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Going mobile | The rise of quality smartphone gaming

I’ve done my best to keep my distance from the mobile gaming market for a number of years. After all, with handhelds like the Nintendo 3DS and the PlayStation Vita in my possession I didn’t need to think about smaller and mechanically simpler games, right? Persona 4 Golden and Fire Emblem were all I needed, […]

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The joys of Rocket League Hoops & evergreen gameplay

My love for Rocket League has been well documented. Ever since I started playing last year it has been my go-to quick-play multiplayer title, all thanks to its evergreen gameplay and spectacular presentation. It doesn’t matter that I’m not the best at aerial play (although I’m getting better) or that I sometimes hilariously overshoot the […]

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How developers could learn from Persona 5’s effortless style

I learned three things from yesterday’s Persona 5 livestream. Firstly, gamers will enthusiastically type “WAIFU” when given any opportunity to do so. Secondly, I’m often at a loss as to what on earth is going on with Japanese mascots. Thirdly, the user interface of the Persona series has always been excellent, but what was shown […]

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Why the Dark Souls III launch trailer has me prepared to die (again)

Despite the relentless horrors its inflicts, the merciless enemies, and the unapologetic ability to leave me crying on the floor, the Dark Souls series is one I cherish. It wasn’t always this way, though. It took me three attempts to get into the first installment, excluding the fact I had to restart with anew character […]

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