So, it’s finally time to get back on track with the video content and the site in general, and what better way to do that than by taking a look at the latest instalment of Dreamfall Chapters. The long-awaited fourth part of Red Thread Games’ adventure series took a little longer than expected to arrive due to a troubled engine upgrade to Unity 5 (which you can read about here) but the short of it is that it has been worth the wait. The journeys of Zoe and Kian continue to reveal long-hidden secrets, and my previous decisions are really starting to bite me in the ass. Which is terrifying.

Is it a flawless effort? Sadly no, but as I explain in the video review it is definitely an improvement over Book Three: Realms, and hell of a setup for Book Five. To learn more about what I thought, you can watch my video review embedded on this page!


  • Previous player choices make some huge impacts this time around.
  • The storyline remains incredibly engaging as we approach the finale.
  • The engine upgrade to Unity 5 improves overall performance significantly…


  • … but a little less lens flare might be ideal in future.
  • Volume levels for some internal monologues are still too quiet.
  • Although nowhere as bad as in Book Three, there are some interaction-less, dialogue-heavy moments.

The Short Version:

While exploration takes something of a backseat this time around, the result means Revelations sets up a grand finale for Dreamfall Chapters. Previous player choices make some big impacts throughout, and it’s clear there’ll be more to come thanks to some key scenes in Book Four. With the game engine’s upgrade to Unity 5 a huge success, let’s hope that Red Thread Games can focus on delivering an engaging conclusion to Zoe and Kian’s journey.

We do not score episodic titles unless they can be purchased separately as standalone games, or at the reviewer’s discretion. A score will be assigned to the entire season once complete.


Platforms: PC (tested) | Linux

Developer: Red Thread Games