Crowfall Preview – Is it worth getting excited about?

After a few months of teasing the community with tidbits of information, all of which looked promising, MMORPG Crowfall has begun its Kickstarter campaign. The hype train for this one was already building up a fair bit of steam for a new project, largely thanks to the veteran developers leading the charge, but the fact […]

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Developer Interview – Tim Jones on Zombie Army Trilogy

After putting the game through its paces at a press event last week, I spoke to Tim Jones, creative director at Rebellion Developments, about Zombie Army Trilogy. Topics include the community’s response to Sniper Elite 3, the improvements made for ZAT, the inclusion of new characters, and just how fiendish the new Horde mode will […]

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Zombie Army Trilogy Hands-on Impressions

I quite like co-op games. There’s something about working together with your friends and overcoming the challenges thrown at you that that just can’t be beat. Then again, I quite like showing that I’m better than everyone else. Thankfully, the upcoming Zombie Army Trilogy from Rebellion Developments looks to cover both of those aspects, something […]

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